Thursday, September 20, 2007

New Address!!

Hello. This is just a quick note, as there are about 55 other trainees trying to use the same three computers. Tomorrow, we will swear in here in Cotonou. Monday I will be going to my village, and I am very excited. My brand spankin new house awaits me, and school begins october 4. I will send updates as soon as I can...The main point of this post is for people who want to email me, I will now only be using my gmail account since yahoo is getting spammed to death and it is slower please update your email address is my first name (david) followed by my last name (ludman) with no spaces or dots or anything, at geemail dot com.
Don't send me useless crap, chain emails, political things, jokes, etc. Do send me news of yourselves (especially if I actual know you and hence may care).